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Posted 07/28/2016

Growing a Career in Manufacturing: Moving Forward

Part Two, Moving Forward (Read Part I – Developing a Professional Resume here.) So you have reached your short-term goals with your position in manufacturing. You feel you are ready for more, but how do you move forward? Here are 21 strategies that can work for anyone. A combination of them will provide your best footing for your next career step. Always do your best at whatever you do. Take less desirable assignments. Get exposure to various departments and jobs, especially ones on your path. Make a lateral move it if gives exposure and builds relationships. Develop mentoring relationships. Practice…
Part Two, Moving Forward (Read Part I – Developing a Professional Resume here.) So you have reached your short-term goals with your position in manufacturing.…
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Posted 07/22/2016

Growing a Career in Manufacturing: Developing a Professional Resume

Setting your sights on a career path in manufacturing? You must have lots of questions. How do you find the right position? How do you move up the ladder once you gain experience? How can you broaden your skill set? Exciting questions, yes . . . and maybe a little anxiety-provoking. Things aren’t so overwhelming if you start at the beginning – with the resume process. Build the right resume for you Foundations are critical. Do this groundwork at the beginning, and you can build on it as your career grows. The process is not difficult, but it does require…
Setting your sights on a career path in manufacturing? You must have lots of questions. How do you find the right position? How do you…
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Posted 06/23/2016

Candidates and MPS Technical’s Onboarding and Training Process

  Q. What exactly is an onboarding and training process?   MPS.  Simply put, it is when you, as a new hire, receive a strategic orientation and training process designed to help you: Learn about the employer’s organization, competitors, and goals Acclimate to the company culture Understand expectations regarding your role and performance Learn about policies and procedures Receive information or education about tools, safety, and resources Receive appropriate classroom, video, simulation, or on-job training Have an opportunity to ask questions and become more comfortable with surroundings   Q.  Aren’t onboarding and training processes boring…more about the company than about the…
  Q. What exactly is an onboarding and training process?   MPS.  Simply put, it is when you, as a new hire, receive a strategic orientation…
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Posted 05/26/2016

Finding the Best Fit – A Trilogy for Job Seekers 

Part II – The Best for Your Long-Term Career Goals I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. – Stephen Covey Were you one of the fortunate people who knew from day one what you wanted to do when you grew up? Or did it take you years to whittle down career choices until you determined what to realize for your profession? Although some people might be lucky and just “step into” their careers, most need a plan for short- and long-term. Let’s say you are satisfied with your present career path but…
Part II – The Best for Your Long-Term Career Goals I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.…
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Posted 05/19/2016

Finding the Best Fit – A Trilogy for Job Seekers 

Part II – The Best for Your Preferred Company Culture With many jobs to choose from in an employees’ market, how do you find a company culture you’ll love as much as you love your career choice? Why is company culture important? Monday – Friday, one-third or more of your time is spent on the job. It’s essential to spend that time in a non-toxic place where you can thrive. After all, if you are unhappy in your work, your performance—and often your health—will decline. So, it isn’t too much to ask to enjoy yourself while working, and these six…
Part II – The Best for Your Preferred Company Culture With many jobs to choose from in an employees’ market, how do you find a…
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Posted 05/12/2016

Finding the Best Fit – A Trilogy for Job Seekers  

Part I – The Best for Your Skills and Experience Have you ever felt clueless when asked about your dream job? What can you do when you are not only uncertain of what career path to take, but also of how to determine your skills? You have an interest in how things are made, for instance, but do you have what it takes to fit into the manufacturing industry? Don’t worry. You just need a little guidance, and you’ll gain confidence along the way as you whittle your questions down to a manageable size. Your goal is to build a…
Part I – The Best for Your Skills and Experience Have you ever felt clueless when asked about your dream job? What can you do…
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