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Posted 05/31/2018

Keys to Boosting Brainpower  

Everyone knows that regular physical activity helps keep your body healthy and in shape. Exercise strengthens a person’s heart, lungs, and muscles, keeping them in prime working order and staving off the effects of aging. But what about your brain? Does it need exercise too? Why yes, it does. It turns out that there’s a correlation between keeping the body active and keeping the mind sharp. While it was once thought that a person was born with all the brain cells that he/she would ever have, research has found that new brain cells can grow. Physical activity increases levels of brain-derived…
Everyone knows that regular physical activity helps keep your body healthy and in shape. Exercise strengthens a person’s heart, lungs, and muscles, keeping them in…
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Posted 05/03/2018

Team Player – Part II – The Dos and Don’ts  

Understanding the collaborative nature of teamwork is the first step to becoming a sought-after team player. With attention to these strategies, anyone can improve his/her team player prowess. First off, the “Do’s”: Engage active listening mode Effective communication only happens if active listening takes place first. Only after a person has put effort into absorbing, understanding, and weighing thoughts and ideas can said person effectively (and intelligently) discuss or debate those thoughts and ideas. Teamwork relies heavily on the art of listening. And it is an art. One that too often gets pushed aside as secondary to speaking up. But…
Understanding the collaborative nature of teamwork is the first step to becoming a sought-after team player. With attention to these strategies, anyone can improve his/her…
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