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Posted 01/25/2018

Advancing Your Career

With the holidays but a memory and the slower-paced days of January nearly over, many a thought turns toward the typical, day-to-day routine; to the job that occupies a large chunk of your time each week. At this time of year, many people ask themselves questions like “Am I happy with my job? Am I where I wanted to be in 2018? Where do I want to be by the end of this new year?” As you consider moving forward in your career, professional job coach, Alicia Reece, has this advice. “Start with the end in mind: Visualize the outcome you…
With the holidays but a memory and the slower-paced days of January nearly over, many a thought turns toward the typical, day-to-day routine; to the…
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Posted 01/19/2018

5 Tips for Keeping Key Employees

If the new year finds the HR department holding their collective breath, fearing/dreading the announcement that a top-notch employee has resigned, it’s time to rev up efforts to prevent the loss of your workers to greener or perceived greener pastures. Everyone knows losing a key employee is costly, making employee retention a challenge facing every organization today. So, what steps will make a positive impact on your retention efforts? 1. Demonstrate Appreciation It may sound too simple but think about it. Who doesn’t want to feel rewarded, recognized and appreciated? When thank you’s, pats on the back, and sincere expressions…
If the new year finds the HR department holding their collective breath, fearing/dreading the announcement that a top-notch employee has resigned, it’s time to rev…
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Posted 01/11/2018

Stress: Part II – Eliminate, Manage, Cope? 

So, now that you understand the mechanics of stress, all that’s left to do is divide and conquer, right? Identify the stressors interfering with your mental, emotional, and physical well-being and all will be good. Well, if it were that easy, the harmful type of stress that chips away at people’s health and happiness would have been eradicated long ago. Let’s face it. Watching the evening news is a stress-inducing activity. Hey, just reading about the effects of stress is stressful. Uncertain times whether it be political or personal, work or family related eat away at us. When we feel…
So, now that you understand the mechanics of stress, all that’s left to do is divide and conquer, right? Identify the stressors interfering with your…
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Posted 01/09/2018

Making the Most of the Shiny New Year

Are you greeting 2018 with excitement and anticipation or dread and trepidation, maybe even boredom? If your history with new year’s resolutions has chalked up more failures than successes, you may have developed a bah humbug attitude about anything change or improvement related when it comes to a new year. These New Year’s resolution statistics shared by Statistic Brain prove you’re not alone. Only 9.2% of people felt successful in achieving their resolutions. 42.4% never succeed with their resolution(s) each year 42% of Americans never make New Year’s Resolutions   “I’ve watched countless people create positive change in their lives,” notes Amy…
Are you greeting 2018 with excitement and anticipation or dread and trepidation, maybe even boredom? If your history with new year’s resolutions has chalked up…
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Posted 01/05/2018

Stress: Part I – Understanding & Identifying Stress

Did you know that not all stress is bad? When the body’s physical, mental, and emotional faculties and functions shift into high—or mega high gear—in reaction to a perceived threat, that type of stress reaction can be lifesaving. This “fight-or-flight” response labeled as acute stress is the body doing what it’s supposed to do, propel a person away from danger or send a surge of energy that produces the boost to make a deadline. It’s when stress becomes chronic that it poses a real threat. Unlike the acute variety that is short-lived, chronic stress occurs on a near-constant basis over…
Did you know that not all stress is bad? When the body’s physical, mental, and emotional faculties and functions shift into high—or mega high gear—in…
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