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Posted 02/22/2018

Resumes 2018 Style

Anyone with career aspirations should be “resume ready” at all times. Even if you’re not actively seeking a new position, it would be tragic to miss out on a great opportunity that may unexpectedly pop up, because a polished resume is not at your fingertips. So, what’s new in the world of resumes for 2018? If you’re assuming it’s the same old, same old, think again. In fact, the trends in 2018 are expected to be: more professionally prepared resumes and documents with more personality, more “voice.” A 2013 CareerBuilder survey noted that 58% of employers pointed out typos as the most…
Anyone with career aspirations should be “resume ready” at all times. Even if you’re not actively seeking a new position, it would be tragic to…
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Posted 02/15/2018

President’s Day: Everything You Need to Know – and a Little More 

While Washington’s Birthday was an unofficial observance for most of the 1800s, it wasn’t until 1879 that Senator Steven Wallace Dorsey of Arkansas proposed an actual holiday in Washington’s honor. In 1879 President Rutherford B. Hayes signed the measure into law. The holiday initially applied to the District of Columbia alone, but in 1885 was expanded to the whole country. At that time, Washington’s Birthday joined four other nationally recognized federal holidays, referred to as “bank holidays” – Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. It was the first holiday to celebrate the life of an individual American. The 1968 Uniform Monday Holiday Act,…
While Washington’s Birthday was an unofficial observance for most of the 1800s, it wasn’t until 1879 that Senator Steven Wallace Dorsey of Arkansas proposed an actual holiday in…
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Posted 02/08/2018

Work-flex – Part II: Manufacturing Employers

When you’re talking workplace flexibility or “work-flex” in the same breath as manufacturing, there’s bound to be some head shaking. Some grunting and huffing to go with the arms jerked tight across the chest. Work-flex in manufacturing, however, is not a complete impossibility. Sure, some out-of-the-box thinking will have to happen. And no, pieces of manufacturing equipment can’t be toted home so that Tom or Jane can work while caring for a sick child. News flash: telecommuting is not the only way that workplace flexibility is defined. Will a work-flex scenario work for every position within your plant? Most likely…
When you’re talking workplace flexibility or “work-flex” in the same breath as manufacturing, there’s bound to be some head shaking. Some grunting and huffing to…
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Posted 02/08/2018

4 Reasons to Love Manufacturing in 2018

As one of the largest and most influential sectors of the U.S. economy, manufacturing accounts for a large chunk of the workforce, employing 8.7 percent of the country, the third largest regarding jobs. But for many people, the thought of a job in manufacturing still summons visions of dark, dusty factories where overworked employees operate dangerous equipment for little pay. That long-ago reality is simply that—the way it used to be—but bares little resemblance to the world of manufacturing in the twenty-first century. Thanks to technology; modern manufacturing models and practices provide safe, satisfying, well-paying opportunities for millions of employees.…
As one of the largest and most influential sectors of the U.S. economy, manufacturing accounts for a large chunk of the workforce, employing 8.7 percent…
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Posted 02/01/2018

Work-flex – Part I:  Employees

QUESTION: What is workplace flexibility or work-flex? ANSWER: A dynamic partnership between employers and employees that defines how, when, and where work gets done. This alternative to the traditional business/employment model with rigid, cookie-cutter schedules is fast becoming the norm across many sectors. The broad term includes such options as telecommuting, flexible work arrangements, job sharing, compressed or reduced schedules, and a number of other variations that once would have seemed out of the question. It provides the means for employees to address both work and life needs while at the same time ensuring the needed stability and productivity companies must…
QUESTION: What is workplace flexibility or work-flex? ANSWER: A dynamic partnership between employers and employees that defines how, when, and where work gets done. This…
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