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Posted 01/25/2018

Advancing Your Career

With the holidays but a memory and the slower-paced days of January nearly over, many a thought turns toward the typical, day-to-day routine; to the job that occupies a large chunk of your time each week. At this time of year, many people ask themselves questions like “Am I happy with my job? Am I where I wanted to be in 2018? Where do I want to be by the end of this new year?” As you consider moving forward in your career, professional job coach, Alicia Reece, has this advice. “Start with the end in mind: Visualize the outcome you want to create for your career by the end of 2018, and consider the following questions: What is my vision for my career? What type of experiences do I want to have? What type of impact do I want to have on the world?” Vague answers like “a better job” or “more responsibility” or “greater purpose” are too broad to be of much help. What you need are specific goals, to which you can attach a plan. Explore those vague aspirations circling in your brain until you can define, with as much detail as possible, what it is you want and where you hope to be by December 31, 2018, and get it all down on paper. Then run those thoughts through the following strategies.
  • The Reality Check
Specific goals are great. Pie-in-the-sky aspirations not so much. There is nothing wrong with dreaming big, as long as those hefty dreams are grounded in reality. You set yourself up for massive failure and disappointment if you set your sights on an impossible outcome. The more detailed the plan you compile, the better chance of assessing the feasibility of your career goals. Put your goals in front of a colleague or friend, one who’s not afraid to be honest with you. If necessary, take it back a notch or two to align the goals with reality.
  • Network, Network, Network
Leave no stone unturned when it comes to networking. Don’t dismiss mere acquaintances or the friend of a friend (of a friend!) when it comes to job resource connections. Anyone can be a bridge to your future career opportunities. If your employment aspirations don’t kick in until late in the year or even next year, now is the prime time to accelerate your networking efforts.
  • Be Bold and Take a Chance
Make 2018 the year you step out of your comfort zone and take a chance. The fear of failure hinders too many a career aspiration from even making it to the table. A “go get’em” attitude, and a willingness to learn is often the key that opens doors you might not have had the nerve even to knock on. “Put your hat in the ring,” encourages Avery Blank. You don’t need to know everything or have done everything to be ‘ready’.”
  • Put Yourself Out There
Join professional organizations or clubs. Seek speaking opportunities. Hang out where like-minded folks hang out online. Participate in workshops, forums, conferences. Find places to contribute articles. The only thing you should not do is nothing. MPS Technical is your one-stop career center. From temporary to long-term employment, we are your connection to the best of the best precision manufacturers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Give our team a call today.