Quick Apply

Posted 02/02/2017

Effective Communication

Part I – The Barriers You facilitate weekly staff meetings, send detailed email updates—everyone should be on the same page, right? But for some reason, they’re not. What’s going on? Although communication is occurring, obviously it lacks in effectiveness. To be effective, communication must be clearly delivered, fully received, and unmistakably understood. Much easier to describe than to accomplish, though, since communication can break down at any number of junctures between the sender and the receiver for a myriad of reasons. The key to achieving effective communication is an awareness of what may be getting in the way. These common barriers…
Part I – The Barriers You facilitate weekly staff meetings, send detailed email updates—everyone should be on the same page, right? But for some reason,…
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Posted 01/26/2017

Take Advantage of Social Media

Wonderful – you’re a Millennial or Gen Z, and you know all about social media – you announced your birth via Twitter and had a LinkedIn profile before you turned twelve. You know your way blindfolded through the social media maze, but are you taking advantage of your prowess to boost your career? What about industry groups? Industry groups are a fantastic way to connect with people in your field and build a deep, rather than wide, network. They provide an opportunity to build your knowledge and enhance your career persona. Connecting with an industry group – providing you take…
Wonderful – you’re a Millennial or Gen Z, and you know all about social media – you announced your birth via Twitter and had a…
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Posted 01/19/2017

Building Your Career

In every building, there is more than one way to reach the top floor. It’s the same for your career – there are multiple ways to build your career and climb the company ladder. Some ladders, however, are more stable and some methods are more effective than others. Your job isn’t just a place to show up five or six days a week for eight hours. Hopefully, it’s where you go to expand your boundaries, build your skills, learn new skills, and create a satisfying career – all while earning an income and providing for you and yours. The beginning…
In every building, there is more than one way to reach the top floor. It’s the same for your career – there are multiple ways…
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Posted 01/12/2017

Career Goals

2017: a new beginning. A time to stand out as a skilled productive employee. A time to attain greater fulfillment in your chosen occupation. It doesn’t happen, however, with a list of resolutions. Real success begins with real goals. Where do real career goals begin? With tough questions. Past Goals Did you attain them? If you didn’t reach them, what hindered you? What could you have done differently to gain momentum? Some situations are out of your control, but would a different response have worked more in your favor? Bottom-line: What did you learn?   Foundational Pillars Are your developing…
2017: a new beginning. A time to stand out as a skilled productive employee. A time to attain greater fulfillment in your chosen occupation. It…
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Posted 12/22/2016

Building Bridges

We’ve all been there – working a job we hate, serving on a committee with no direction or creativity, or a slew of other less-than-desirable situations. It isn’t fun, but whether the only option is adjusting your attitude or you have the freedom to say goodbye and move on; do it with grace. Be an adult and master your personal self-control button. In other words, build bridges – rather than burn them. Oh, it may bring relief to recite all the things you would like to do and say, but do it privately – with no one in the “audience.”…
We’ve all been there – working a job we hate, serving on a committee with no direction or creativity, or a slew of other less-than-desirable…
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Posted 12/15/2016

Overqualified – The Backhanded Compliment

“I’m sorry, you’re a great candidate, but . . . We can’t make an offer because you’re too good – you’re overqualified.” Is that a compliment? Or an insult? Does it matter? The job you wanted and knew you could do well went to someone else, and you’re still looking. Frustration. Discouragement. Defeat. Wait. Don’t give up yet. It’s time to “take the bull by the horns” and win the job you want. Follow these ten steps and turn your “overqualified” label into a “welcome aboard.” 1. Understand the potential employer’s perspective. The truth is, they would love to hire…
“I’m sorry, you’re a great candidate, but . . . We can’t make an offer because you’re too good – you’re overqualified.” Is that a…
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