Quick Apply

Posted 07/20/2017

What Employers Want – Part II

Long gone are the days of interviews like this. “Can you do this . . . and that . . . and yes, this one other thing as well?” “Why yes, I can!” “You can? That’s great! You’re hired.” Hiring managers and business owners want and need candidates with more than just the technical know-how to get the job done. They’re looking for employees who are good communicators, well-organized, personable, and possess a host of other “soft skills.” “Hard skills vary based on the job, but soft skills are required for every job,” notes Guy Berger. “That makes soft skills…
Long gone are the days of interviews like this. “Can you do this . . . and that . . . and yes, this one…
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Posted 07/14/2017

Discover the Leaders Within

An essential, ongoing component of an organization’s growth strategy must be the identifying of leaders among current employees. It’s non-negotiable. Sure, you can “hire in” folks to fill leadership positions, but keep your eyes and ears tuned to those inside your organization first. That’s where you’ll find the guys and gals already well-versed in the processes, systems, organizational structure, and work culture – all the components that make up your unique company. And what’s more, they’re already aware of the organization’s strengths – and, more importantly, the weaknesses – all of which puts them miles ahead of someone just walking…
An essential, ongoing component of an organization’s growth strategy must be the identifying of leaders among current employees. It’s non-negotiable. Sure, you can “hire in”…
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Posted 07/13/2017

What Employers Want – Part I

Want to trade in your “candidate” status for “employee” status? Candidates who possess the sought-after traits employers are looking for, won’t be “candidates” for long. And increasingly those traits are coming in under the heading “soft skills,” as employers realize how essential this intangible set of skills is in today’s workforce. “Most companies are hiring talent based on soft skills like attitude and hard work, with the hope that they can train them to be up to par on things like tech skills and industry knowledge,” said Davis Bell, Instructure’s vice president of corporate markets. Especially where entry-level positions are…
Want to trade in your “candidate” status for “employee” status? Candidates who possess the sought-after traits employers are looking for, won’t be “candidates” for long.…
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Posted 07/06/2017

Inspiring the Team: Part 2 – The Don’ts

“The greatest power source on earth is a team of people who are energized around a common goal,” Liz Ryan. Energized. Motivated. Inspired. That’s what every manager/supervisor is shooting for and striving toward and hoping he/she will end up with. What are the “Don’ts” that can get in the way of creating this go get ’em team? A ho-hum attitude from the top. If leadership isn’t enthusiastic about reaching goals and working as a team, the team will quickly lose its steam. Maybe things are going great, so you dial the enthusiasm down, take a break from being the cheerleader for just a bit. Not a good…
“The greatest power source on earth is a team of people who are energized around a common goal,” Liz Ryan. Energized. Motivated. Inspired. That’s what every…
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Posted 06/29/2017

Waving the Flag in Minneapolis  

It was a proud day in 1858 when, on July 4th, a star was added to the flag of the United States of America for the state of Minnesota, who had joined the Union on May 11, 1858, as the 32nd state. To this day, Minnesotans continue to proudly celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence for the “land of the free and the home of the brave” with a host of family-friendly events and activities in the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Check out the Minneapolis 4th of July Guide for details on these (and other) family-friendly activities celebrating…
It was a proud day in 1858 when, on July 4th, a star was added to the flag of the United States of America for…
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Posted 06/22/2017

Inspiring the Team: Part 1 – The Do’s  

How can you be the motivational force that urges the team toward greatness? That boosts their efforts, nudges, and prods, but mostly encourages them to be all they can be? As the manager/department head/supervisor, you need to fill that role if you want your team to reach its maximum potential. And why wouldn’t you? There’s no way you put all that time and energy and effort into forming this particular group of employees into a cohesive team only to see them produce mediocre results. Here’s how you can motivate them to meld their combined energy, knowledge, and skills into an inspired force committed to reaching for the…
How can you be the motivational force that urges the team toward greatness? That boosts their efforts, nudges, and prods, but mostly encourages them to be all…
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