Posted 10/20/2016
What Does the Ruling on Temporary Workers by OSHA Mean for Manufacturers?
David Michaels, Ph.D., MPH, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) emphasized that host employers (manufacturers) should treat temporary workers like existing employees. He said, “Temporary staffing agencies and manufacturers share control over the employee, and are therefore jointly responsible for the temporary employee’s safety and health.”
The reason for the ruling is to deter manufacturers from using temporary workers in opposition to complying with OSHA acts and worker protection laws. It originated as a remembrance for those workers who died while on the job due to unsafe conditions.
Both employers must comply with all relevant OSHA requirements as Michaels said above. Clarity of roles can be accomplished by collaboration between the staffing agency and the manufacturer in setting up an agreed upon list of respective responsibilities which comply with OSHA standards.
For example, the collaboration might engage the agency in general health and safety while the manufacturer tailors safety toward the particular working atmosphere and tasks. The government is seeking improved communication between the agency and the host employer that can no longer use ignorance of hazards as an excuse for lack of safety.
The ruling touts both the manufacturer and staffing agency must consider the safety of the worker which includes not only his/her environment but also proper training on OSHA’s standards, hazard communication, and recordkeeping. Without adequate training, OSHA could find both the agency and manufacturer in violation.
Note that it is the task of the agency to inquire and verify the temporary worker’s safety, to make certain that the manufacturer is fulfilling its responsibilities for a safe workplace.
If you would like further information, contact OSHA at 800-321-6742. The organization offers “free and confidential advice to small and medium-sized businesses…with priority given to high-hazard worksites.
Safety is everyone’s business.
How recently have your workers been trained to adhere to your company’s safety precautions? Is it time for a reminder?
Are your temporary workers trained to the same standards?
MPS Technical integrates client’s safety training into their standard orientation so that each new placement for each client makes safety a priority. MPS takes the burden off the clients by ensuring temporary workers are trained in the same manner as permanent employees. We take the responsibility of providing talented, qualified and well-trained employees for your business seriously.
Finding the best match for your precision manufacturing business is our specialty. And that includes seamless onboarding with training that goes beyond OSHA compliance.
Want to know more? We are just a phone call away. Let’s talk today.