Posted 09/01/2016
Proven Value for Manufacturers to Develop Staff from Within: Part III
Today we conclude the discussion with MPS Technical about career development programs for employees with a slant towards concerns and leadership development.
What about leadership development?
The industry does have a need to step up leadership development as this strengthens an organization from the inside. High potential employees could be given “stretch” assignments over a period of months to prepare them to assume a mid-level position and longer for a more senior position. However, it can be a challenge to determine who may rank as “high potential” as individuals do not come in a one-size-fits-all package.
What is management’s role in developing leadership?
Management should take a partnership approach and manage the process. That is, they should check in throughout the process to determine if short-term goals are being met, participants are keeping up with the plan and not lagging, and coaching/mentoring is remaining active. In fact, the more open the communication along the way, the better the results.
Also, these milestone checkpoints permit appropriate adjustments to as new skills and knowledge are acquired. This process keeps both parties accountable for achieving the development plan.
Are there any obstacles to development programs?
Just as there are obstacles to everything in life, there are some challenges to development programs. Trust is one concern. When a company places an employee in a development program, it is a position of trust: that the employee won’t leave after being trained, the expected learning has taken place, and the contribution has exceeded the cost.
It works more often than not, in spite of the lack of guarantee. And when it works, it is a real plus to the organization as there are ripples of benefits, such as renewed energy, throughout.
Patience pays off
Seeing an individual’s career development plan through to its conclusion is critical to reaping the most for your organization and the employee as well. Unexpected, unanticipated triumphs can happen along the way: a new language is learned, a tedious problem is solved, communication skills improve, and powerful relationships are cemented. The surprises can be both fun and rewarding.
Have you talked with MPS Technical about a development plan for your staff? With our two decades of experience in precision manufacturing, we stand ready to help you meet your goals. We are experts in building relationships and answering questions to help firms succeed with staffing and seamless onboarding. MPS listens to your needs and can be your one-stop career center. Contact MPS today.