Posted 04/02/2014
New Tactics for Better Manufacturing Recruiting
“Today’s high-tech manufacturing jobs require employees to be computer savvy, able to multi-task, and able to transfer seamlessly between production processes. Recruiters for these manufacturing jobs thus need to revamp their mentality and methods in attempting to fill these positions” writes Michelle Benjamin for ThomasNet News. The article gives several tips for reaching high-potential, qualified candidates.
- Where is your talent pool? Today’s manufacturing jobs are high-tech, STEM heavy. If you do not already have a relationship or partnership with local community colleges and technical programs, you should. This is a great opportunity to not only interact with potential candidates right from the start but also to create a dialogue with the educational institution to help guide training.
- How can you be more competitive? Reviewing your salary structure against the market is a key first step, but go further, how do your benefits compare, define your company culture and make improvements to the work environment. Also, as cited in an earlier blog post on the Millennial generation, younger workers are very interested in companies with a solid social conscious and impact – what do you do to help your community, how do your products make an impact on others?
- Are your employees your biggest advocates? Your employees are perhaps one of your greatest resources for reaching high-quality candidates, but often overlooked. Your employees know the technical and skill requirements for the jobs you are hiring for. They can tap into their own networks to help fill positions. Encourage and reward!
- Are you active socially? In today’s hiring environment, candidates are looking across channels, both offline and online, not only for jobs but also to get a sense of a company’s culture and identity. Social media channels can help you easily communicate your story and attract new candidates.
- Do you have strong relationships within the industry? Tapping into your local industry organizations and alliances can bring a wealth of knowledge as well as build your network for finding high-potential candidates. In Minnesota, there are several regional and state-wide organizations in manufacturing, such as the Manufacturers Alliance or the Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association as well as organizations like Dream It Do It MN that help you get involved in key talent pools.