Posted 05/27/2014
Hiring Process Tips…from Psych 101 Class
Perhaps college is still fresh in your memory….or maybe distant! Lou Adler of Inc walks us through how a basic Psych 101 principle could help us hire the right employees.
First, the principle: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In 1943, Abraham Maslow suggested people make decisions based on different behavioral needs. In his article, Mr. Adler applies this hierarchy to job search candidates and defines their core needs as economic, social or achievement:
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He provides the following example to explain these needs:
“Consider that a person who is unemployed or underemployed seeks a new job primarily for monetary reasons, with the actual work less important. This is the economic need in action. The second motivating need is team-driven. Many people leave companies due to lack of a supportive manager or an inability to develop personal relationships with co-workers. They also accept jobs for these very same reasons. The third job-seeking driver is career growth. Those with an achievement need leave when this is missing and won't accept another job without it.” Mr. Adler has found that a candidate who accepts a job purely for economic or social reasons will become dissatisfied much quicker in your workplace.
Although most employers want to hire those on the achievement level, many times we hire those either with an economic or social need which may not be the best long-term choice. Mr. Adler suggests we break away from the laundry list of “skills required” and first understand what need your candidate is trying to fulfill as well as:

- In your job descriptions and postings, emphasize job performance requirements not a traditional laundry list of “skills required.” Sometimes we eliminate great candidates simply because their skills don’t match up exactly
- In the recruiting and interview process offer career opportunities not just lateral transfers
- Understand that finding people with the “achievement need” may take more time
- Be sure to ask and understand why your candidate wants your job – do they see and believe the career value or will they be easily lured by the highest bidder