Posted 09/10/2014
“Good” Resume Tips
A good resume is important to securing an invitation to interview. It can seem simple enough; list the skills, experience and education you have and BAM! an employer calls for an interview. Not so true, time and energy must be spent on this job search tool in order for it to work.
Customization is important. Your resume should be applicable for the job you are applying for. Don’t simply send one resume for all positions. Research the industry, the company, the job description and customize your resume to be relevant. A cover letter also works great to highlight a few specific skills or experiences that are relevant to the position or company.
Dana Manciagli of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal points out to avoid R.A.A. or Random Acts of Application. Don’t apply for jobs that you have not researched and make sure your job search is pulling in positions you are qualified for. Ms. Manciagli adds “applying is 5 percent of your effort.” Job seekers need to take an active role in networking and making connections with the company. Whether that is through LinkedIn, a job fair, seminar or other event, submitting your resume is just one step in your job search journey.
Get the basics right. Watch for typos and spelling mistakes. Make sure your resume layout is clean and readable. Is your contact information clear and easy to find. Before you begin your job search update that old email address to reflect your name in a professional manner. Also, when applying for a job in manufacturing, make sure you incorporate, naturally, industry or job specific words. Highlight key experiences and certifications or training programs you have gained or completed.
Last but not least, tap into the knowledge and experience of career centers in your community and people working in the industry. Most if not all of the local colleges and technical schools have a career center ready to assist you with your job search. Some even host resume workshops and resume reviews. Have a friend or neighbor working in the industry or a respected professor? All of these sources will have “insider” expertise and can help you customize your resume. Staffing agencies like MPS Technical can also be a great resource to help give your resume and job search strategies an extra boost.
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