Posted 12/22/2016
Building Bridges
We’ve all been there – working a job we hate, serving on a committee with no direction or creativity, or a slew of other less-than-desirable situations. It isn’t fun, but whether the only option is adjusting your attitude or you have the freedom to say goodbye and move on; do it with grace. Be an adult and master your personal self-control button. In other words, build bridges – rather than burn them.
Oh, it may bring relief to recite all the things you would like to do and say, but do it privately – with no one in the “audience.” Why? Because burning bridges comes back to haunt you – in ways you never imagined, while building them reaps a rich reward.
Tips for Building Bridges
When Leaving a Job
- Give sufficient notice and finish out remaining time with diligence.
- Thank – sincerely, of course – your boss and co-workers. Even if it’s been the pit of a job, you can find something to appreciate.
- If it’s pertinent to your position, suggest a replacement.
- Don’t make the mistake of defining your rival as your enemy
- Maintain a professional relationship – the wind may change direction, and your former “rival” may end up on your team.
- Create “friendly” competition.
- Sell yourself – or your product – on its merits, rather than cutting down the competition.
- You spend a lot of time and effort wooing and keeping clients. Maintain your pleasantness when they jump ship.
- Wish them the best and treat them cordially.
- Give them a reason to come back.
- Stop, read your words, listen to what others might hear – before you hit send, post, submit, publish – you get the picture.
- Be real. Be relevant. But don’t share personal info with wide circles.
- Disney had it right – “If you can’t say something nice, shh, say nothing.”
- Remember – there isn’t a delete button on the internet.