Posted 07/09/2014
Surefire Ways to Scare Away a Candidate
You work hard to promote your company and get in front of top talent to fill key positions. Once you have secured an interview, Mr. Graham Winfrey of Inc. cautions you on the following to prevent your candidate from running out the door!
- Turnover talk. Be clear and explain why you are hiring. If it is due to growth in your operation be sure to make that clear. You don’t want top talent to think people are leaving your company in droves. Be prepared for a candidate to ask you, “What happened to the person in this position before me?”
- Avoid stale job ads. If your job description and posting remain the same month after month without securing candidates to interview, it is time to re-evaluate and look for ways to reposition to attract talent. Potential job seekers that see the same stale activity from you will themselves wonder why no one wants your job.
- Don’t criticize employees. This action will set off all sorts of alarm bells in the candidate's mind and more than likely send him or her running. Speaking unkindly about current or past employees puts into question your integrity, leadership style and the overall work environment.
- Be honest about growth opportunity. Don’t over hype if you cannot truly deliver once a candidate is on the job. Layout what your company offers for growth, training and promotion opportunities and, if able, give examples of what top performers have achieved.