Posted 04/07/2016
Does Your Precision Manufacturing Company Utilize Leadership Strategy?
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. ~ John C. Maxwell
It’s not enough to know how to drive. A leader has to have a clear vision, a navigable road, equipment to handle breakdowns, a map to chart straight ahead paths as well as detours, and sufficient fuel to reach the destination. Furthermore, the leader must communicate with and motivate managers and employees from the top to the bottom of the organization while leading them to the next milestone.
Three Tactics for Leadership Strategy
Communicate a strong brand
Uphold a brand image takes more than a promotional push; it also takes leaders who demonstrate company values throughout the manufacturing process. It takes leaders who understand that, regardless of your Precision Manufacturing products and processes, building a strong reputation in your industry - one that your employees can feel proud of - is essential to your ultimate success.
A strong brand necessitates an agile demand-driven planning process. Manufacturers will need to improve partnerships with supply and demand chain partners. Since technology is burgeoning in manufacturing, it may make sense to create a Chief Digital Officer position. These individuals will lead initiatives to stretch the supply chain and potentially develop smarter products. Moreover, as big data becomes entrenched in the precision manufacturing process, employees will be glad to have an expert to assist in better demand planning.
Foster a work/life balance
Strong leaders know employees require more flexibility in their schedules. In fact, fostering an exceptional work/life balance policy may assist you in drawing more women to your workforce. It could also encourage women’s interest in leadership roles.
Currently, women are an untapped resource in precision manufacturing. Though they represent nearly half of the labor force, they account for less than 25% of the durable goods manufacturing workforce.
Well-targeted recruitment and hiring initiatives
Hand-in-hand with work/life balance is finding qualified, skilled employees to fill shortages. That means making young people, especially women, aware of your brand and the fulfilling opportunities associated with a career in manufacturing. Consider sponsoring a STEP (Science, technology, and engineering program) initiative.
Remove any barriers that dissuade women and young people from applying for positions in your company such as gender-biases and age-group stereotypes. Implementing a sponsorship program may be one way to negate biases.
Building on these precepts of leadership will ensure your company’s role in changing the American Public’s perception of manufacturing and encouraging greater interest in careers in the industry.
Connect your leaders with the leaders at MPS Technical and make a strategic plan today. We understand the industry. We know your needs. We tap into all available resources to match you with best-fit qualified employees. Let’s talk today. A representative is ready to consult with you.