Posted 07/27/2017
Traits that Hamper Your Hiring Potential – Part I
You’ve already discovered there’s a lot of competition out there for the best jobs. Employers have high expectations. Savvy hiring managers are looking for just the right blend of technical expertise paired with a generous helping of those ever-so-important “soft skills” that will result in a truly valuable employee.
With the time loss and high cost of a bad hire, choosing to be picky is an essential. And savvy employers won’t hesitate to steer clear of anyone who gives them cause for concern.
What will give you an edge? More importantly, what will harm your chances of landing one of those “best jobs”? Throughout the recruiting process, wise hiring managers and business owners will keep a watchful eye and a listening ear out for any sign of “red flag” behavior. Minor concerns will get your resume shuffled to the bottom of the pile. Major misgivings will send your application to the shredder. End of story.
The following traits will greatly hamper your hiring potential:
Poor Communication Skills
No matter the size of the company or what specific skill set the job opening requires, communication skills top every employer’s “must have” list. While not every position involves answering the telephone or greeting customers in person, an employee who cannot communicate well with co-workers will be a liability.
So unless you want your name scratched off the list, express yourself with clear, concise answers during an interview. Put thought and time into written communications. Be courteous and professional during telephone conversations.
Fear of Change
Do your past work experience scenarios suggest you face change with shattered nerves and the need to use ALL your sick days? Then chances are you won’t be on the second interview list. Worse yet, if your resume points to a series of job exits because you couldn’t get on board with company changes, don’t sit by the phone waiting for any job offer. You must be able to demonstrate an ability to embrace the ever-changing nature of the working world.
If your answers to work-experience questions are peppered too heavily with “I” and little or no mention of “we” or “our team” or “the department,” you may be sending the vibe you prefer to be a one man or woman show. That will surely raise doubts as to how well you’d perform in a teamwork environment.
“Playing well—that is working well—with others” is a trait high on every hiring manager’s wish list in today’s world of workforce collaboration. It’s okay to be a leader, to demonstrate your ability to make decisions and move forward, but be sure you express a desire to be a good team member as well.
Next week we’ll tackle the biggie: Attitude.
At MPS Technical, we meet you face to face, connecting the dots of your personality, training, experience, and gifts. Our streamlined intake process includes industry-specific pre-employment assessments and testing when appropriate. Give us a call today.