Finding the Best Fit – A Trilogy for Job Seekers
Part II – The Best for Your Long-Term Career Goals
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. – Stephen Covey
Were you one of the fortunate people who knew from day one what you wanted to do when you grew up? Or did it take you years to whittle down career choices until you determined what to realize for your profession? Although some people might be lucky and just “step into” their careers, most need a plan for short- and long-term.
Let’s say you are satisfied with your present career path but are unsure how to get to the next step. What about next year? In fact, how do you get to the position that best fits your goals a decade from now?
Remember, your career life is like a journey
Recognize that career planning is an ever-changing and evolving process that may lack distinct wrong and right paths. Chances are you may even change careers over your working lifetime.
The average length someone remains in a position varies according to the job and skill set needed to perform it. For precision manufacturing, it would be different than for a surgeon. As it happens, a manufacturing career may take years to master - as troubleshooting, technological advances, and soft skills can also be part of the expertise needed to move up the ladder.
For most people, a long-term plan indicates a window of five or more years and a broader set of core skills. Start by asking yourself some questions, but expect that unlike your short-term plan, it’s okay to be less specific with your answers.
Perform a self-analysis according to your current situation. Consider lifestyle, likes and dislikes, activities, passion and energy, strengths and weaknesses, your definition of success, and personality traits. Once you have done this, you have a clearer picture of what you might want your future to look like. Include anything that could impact your decision in the near term, as well as the future.
For example, ask yourself, “What are some potential changes in my industry that could affect my career? Or, what do I wish to accomplish outside of my career in the long term?”
Next, identify the qualifications you need to move to the next step in your career. If you are not certain, review some job postings and job descriptions to help you decide. If you do not have the skills or experience required to move to the next step, then develop an action plan toward that goal.
Don’t just think about roles that will engage you, but keep tuned to adding value and being a top performer for any employer no matter how long-range your goals. With this type of mindset, you can’t go wrong.
Read Part I - Fitting Skills and Experience and Part II - Fitting Company Culture.
MPS Technical can help you find your best career fit in precision manufacturing, our specialty. We listen to your needs and can help advise you on immediate and long-range goals. We have years of experience building relationships with people just like you, and with clients who need the kind of skills, which you will contribute.
Need some sound discussion about a career in manufacturing? MPS Technical is ready to help. Let’s talk today.